An incredible amount of thought and consideration has gone into what – and how – students will learn at the Sanger Unified Ag Complex than into any other aspect of its development. We have gone to great lengths to ensure our curriculum is as innovative and effective as the rest of this unique learning environment. For example, the Ag-Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Learning Lab will be the first of its kind in California, where K-8 students will learn through inquiry-based practices and innovative opportunities. Student management of the Fairmont Farm will be based on real-world science and engineering practices – in both formal and informal settings – not traditional labs with predetermined outcomes.
- Innovative
- Effective
- First of its kind
- Inquiry-based
- Real-world science
The Sanger Unified Ag Complex integrates the National Agriculture Food and Natural Resources Standards (AFNR) , Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), College and Career Ready Standards, and the 5E Inquiry-Based Instructional Model, creating a comprehensive Ag-Science education for all students.

Plant Science
- Soils
- Plant Classification
- Photosynthesis
- Plant Genetics
- Fertilization
- Pest and Disease Management
- Crop Production
- Irrigation
Animal Science
- Anatomy
- Animal Handling and Safety
- Cells and Tissues
- Animal Nutrition
- Breeding
- Genetics
- Animal Health
- Animal Products, Selectionand Marketing
Ag Engineering
- Agriculture Mechanics Technology
- Agriculture Electricity and Electrical Controls
- Fabrication
- Small Engines
- Careers

Ag Business & Technology
- Agriculture Economics
- Farm Management
- Agribusiness Management
- Agriculture Development
- Product Marketing
- Produce Sales
- Technology Applications
- Design and Modeling
Water Conservation & Renewable Energy
- Wind
- Solar
- Biomass
- Hydro
- Irrigation
- Compost & Mulch
- Capturing and Storing Water